
Advice For New Parents - 5 Crucial Tips You Should Know

baby (0-1) new dads pregnancy May 09, 2019

I’m often asked “what’s your best advice for new parents”.  The truth is that there are so many new things happening as a brand new parent, it’s hard to digest it all. Sure as a dad, the important parenting advice that you find valuable might be a little different than a mom’s. But overall I think these 5 tips will be helpful advice for all new parents.  Let’s do it.

Before we get started I wanted to honestly thank all of you. Your support as a subscriber, comments and feedback, and then the sharing of our videos has really helped us grow….and for that I wanted to say thank you.   

So back to the video.  You’re might be getting new parent advice from your family or your friends.  Sometimes you get advice even when you aren’t asking for it.  Being a new parent can often feel overwhelming.  Hopefully you will be able to use this advice, and feel better.

1) Your involvement is critical –  This may seem obvious for some new parents, but involvement by dads can vary based on your culture, where you live, or how you were brought up.  Whatever the excuse, do not leave taking care of the child up to the mom.  My advice is to do feedings, bath time, go on walks.  Spend one on one time with your child.  Not only does your involvement give your spouse a break, it provides great bonding for you and your child.  The more you are involved, the greater the benefit to your child.

2) Don’t take things personally – When I was a new parent, I thought for sure my first child was really trying to annoy me and test me.  But I can I assure you, your baby is not deliberately doing anything other than learning the ways of the world. When they cry, they are trying to communicate.  When they defy you, they are trying to understand boundaries.  There is not a secret plot to make new parents

3) Enjoy the present – I wish i received this advice when i was a new parent.  It wasn’t until my second child (2 years later) that I realized I really needed to enjoy the what was happening now. Prior to that I would say things like “I can’t wait until he can talk or it will be so much fun when he and i can throw the ball.” Not that thinking of the future was wrong, but I think it brought me away from appreciating the present.  So my advice for new parents would be to enjoy the present.

4) Learn Patience – Your patience will be tested, I promise you.  My advice for new parents is that the more patient you can be, the easier time you will have. I happen to be one of those impatient types. I’m always on time, or early. I need everything right now and most of the time I’m in a hurry.  I can tell you this is a recipe for stress and anxiety when you are a new parent. I did a video on how to be more patient. I have used a few different techniques which are explained in the video.  My favorite is daily meditation. It helps a lot.

5) You are totally capable – At some point as a new parent, you will doubt your capabilities.  You may think you are not cut out for this parenting thing or that you can handle it. I’m here to tell you that you can handle it.  Sure being a new parent isn’t easy, but it can be the most amazing thing in the world.

I would love to hear from you.  What is the best advice for new parents that you have received?  Leave your feedback in the comments section below.


Here are some important links:  

PARENTING PROGRAM: This is Jasons signature course to help you go from confused to confident father. If you are serious about becoming the best version of yourself as a father and taking action, book a call to speak with us: 

FREE ONLINE PARENTING CLASS: Learn the secrets of being a better father. Jason has put together a free online parenting webinar class: 6 Proven Strategies to Be a Better Father. You can register for the class here:   

BUSINESS INQUIRIES: [email protected] 

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