Stop Sharenting! Oversharing Your Kids On Social Media is Bad!
Oct 04, 2018
My son just completed kindergarten, he's the smartest one in his entire class. Yea, my daughter just danced in her first recital. Can you believe how pretty she is? She is the best dancer out of all the girls! Yeah, well my son just hit a home run in the championship game. I am so proud of him. I can't stand it anymore, please consider this video a public service announcement. We are going to talk about sharenting. This is the overuse of social media by parents sharing content of their children. I know... you love your kids, this is how you update your family, your proud of your kids. You can say anything you want, I still think it's a mistake and I'll tell you why. I'm not really a controversial guy, but boy do people have strong feelings about this one. It is true that moms have a tendency to post much more about their kids than dads do, but dads are guilty as well. If you have something to say about this, I welcome your feedback in the comments. The topic of sharenting has become pretty serious. Let's look at some of the issues that we are facing because of parents oversharing: Legal issues - an 18 year old girl is suing her parents for posting a baby picture she didn't like. She didn't consent to it being posted. There could be all kinds of legal issues in the future with parents not getting the consent of their children before posting. . Body Image Issues - Starting kids off young with the idea that likes and views matter is not good. Social media will judge anything, even a young child's appearance. Digital Narcissism - The posting of accomplishments or something great your kid did actually makes you think you are great. This isn't good for you or them. Your self worth should not come from the accomplishments of your child. Security Issues - Children's identities are being stolen or their safety is at greater risk because their identity is known. People think "That would never happen to my child". I only post pictures of whatever". The reality is that it is happening more and more. So how do we navigate this as parents? What is ok to post and what is not? Parents are now making money off of content of their kids. It has become a business in itself with content creators having their children as a big part of their content. Personally, I think the negatives drastically outweigh the positives when it comes to posting content about kids. If you are going to post, maybe you considering asking yourself some questions before doing it:
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